How To Get Six Pack Abs

Six Pack Abs Without The Crunches

Make Exercise Fun Again - If You Enjoy It, You'll Stick With It!

For The Best Total Body Workout Program  
I was talking to someone recently that basically told me that he was motivated to get in shape, but at the same time he hates working out. He wanted to figure out ways to enjoy working out more so that he could stick with it for once, since he always ends up quitting after several weeks.

This brings up a good point, as most people that keep giving up on exercise are often the ones that don't enjoy it. From my perspective, I don't understand this problem as I love almost any form of exercise and get true enjoyment out of it.

This goes beyond just your typical weight lifting and cardio routines also. You really do need to find forms of exercise you enjoy and that are fun for you if you're really going to stick with them for the long term.

For example, in the last 6 days, here are some of the activities I've done that are loads of fun, but also keep me in great shape...

Friday - mountain biking (mix of hard climbs and fast fun downhills)
Saturday - kayaking (good upper body workout)
Sunday - another mountain biking trip
Monday - traveling so didn't have access to gym... just did about a 10 minute workout of bodyweight exercises in room -- pushups variations, 1-legged romanian deadlifts, & abs leg thrusts alternated constantly
Tuesday - 35 minute swimming workout (sprint style)
Wednesday - 45 minute full body weight training workout

I'll probably take tomorrow off to rest the body a little, and possibly do a kettlebell and/or hill sprinting workout on friday.

So you can see that for me, I always find ways to enjoy exercise, stay active, and at least during the nice weather, get out and enjoy some fresh air.

Everybody is different, but for long term success, you must find ways to incorporate exercise into your life that you actually enjoy. If you dread your workouts and think negatively about them, you're more likely to skip workouts or even quit altogether.

For The Best Total Body Workout Program  

3 Healthy Desserts Let You Get And Keep Those Six Pack Abs

For More Fantastic Diet Desserts and 
A Complete Six Pack Abs Program

Today, I have one of my never before released delicous Lean-Body desserts or snacks that always helps to satisfy my sweet tooth while at the same time getting TONS of quality nutrition.

It's my own special version of a healthy peanut-butter-fudge! If you don't like nuts or peanut butter, you can simply leave out those ingredients and make a chocolate-only version. Pay attention, because there are specific ingredients that make this a LOT healthier for you than typical fudge.

I will say that this dessert / snack is not low-calorie per se, but it is loaded with quality healthy fats, some protein, LOTS of antioxidants, and is relatively low in sugar (compared with typical fudge or other desserts), while also containing a decent dose of fiber. 

Overall, it's a great snack or dessert that helps curb your appetite, fuel your muscles, loads you up on protective antioxidants, and quells that sweet tooth that often makes you overeat on refined sweets.

Lean-Body Chocolate Peanut Butter Fudge Recipe:

  • 3/4 cup organic coconut milk (NOT the watered down "light" version which just replaces some of the healthy coconut fat with water...use the real full-fat version)
  • 1 bar (3-5 oz. bar works well) of quality extra dark chocolate (look for at least 70-75% cocoa content on the label to minimize sugar content)
  • 4-5 tablespoons of peanut butter or your favorite nut butter (almond butter, cashew butter, macadamia butter, etc)
  • 3/4 cup raisins or dried cranberries (optional)
  • 1/2 cup whole raw almonds or other nuts (optional)
  • 2 Tbsp raw wheat germ
  • 2 Tbsp rice bran (usually only available at health food stores)
  • 2 Tbsp whole oats or oat bran
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • A little stevia powder to sweeten
Note on coconut milk: don't be afraid of the fats in this... coconut fat is mostly medium chain triglycerides (MCTs) that are more readily used for energy and also contain a special fat called Lauric Acid, which is extremely healthy and supports the immune system.

Start by adding the coconut milk (cans of organic coconut milk are available at most health food stores and possibly even your grocery store) and vanilla extract to a small saucepan on VERY low heat. Break up the extra dark chocolate bar into chunks and add into pot. Add the nut butter and the stevia, and continuously stir until it all melts together into a smooth mixture. 

Then add the raisins, almonds, wheat germ, oat bran, and rice bran and stir until fully blended. Spoon/pour the fudge mixture onto some waxed paper in a dish and place in the fridge until it cools and solidifies together. Place in a closed container or cover with foil in fridge to prevent it from drying out.

Enjoy small squares of this delicious healthy fudge for dessert and for small snacks throughout the day. This is about as good as it gets for a healthy yet delicious treat!  

Even though this is a healthier dessert idea that's lower in sugar and higher in nutrition than most sweet treats, keep in mind that it is still calorie dense, so keep your portions reasonable.

btw, feel free to email the link for this page with the special healthy fudge recipe to any friends and family that you think might enjoy it. 

For More Fantastic Diet Desserts and 
A Complete Six Pack Abs Program